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I'm Rebecca Trotter, a mom, writer, thinker, talker, teacher, Christian and odd duck. I write about God's upside down kingdom, spirituality and enjoying life when it's hard.

I'm particularly good at saying ridiculous, life ruining prayers and writing run on sentences. But I should warn you, I'm not really safe. I swear. I complain. I make lots of funnies. (Well, I think they're funny!) But most of all, I make people say, "I never thought of it that way before."

So if you think you have all the answers and already know how it all works, you should make your escape now. I'll just ruin everything for you. But if you want to know more about God and life and His upside down kingdom and why it's all grace and all so hard and how it all works, come explore. I have thoughts to share.

Welcome to The Upside Down World 

On the Streets of Portland
3 Unchangeable Laws
LoveTalks Promo Video
Be Present

The Upside Down World Live. Ish.


The Upside Down World In the Media

Latest Podcast Appearances

"Nobody Should Go Through What I Went Through" - The Traumatic Pregnancy

Only Sky Media

In the aftermath of the loss of Roe v Wade, Rebecca shares her story of following the "pro-life" path when faced with a crisis pregnancy.

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Shoreview Mom On a Mission to #ChalkTheWorld

Shoreview Press

Read about Rebecca's latest project - Chalk The World!

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The Upside Down World in Action

For over a decade, Rebecca has been working with the leaders of not-for-profit organizations serving their local communities. Explore some stories and learn more about Rebecca's work with some of these organizations!

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It's a deceptively simple idea: write a thought, idea or bit of wisdom in chalk where your neighbors will see it. Take a picture and share it on social media using #chalktheworld. Go ahead and try it  - the effects are powerful. 

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What people are saying . . . 

Let me tell you, more than once after reading your blog, I am left with this feeling of “holy crap, she is right…”, and I am sure that I am not the only one who thinks like that…
-Dr. One R. Pagan aka The Bald Scientist

The Upside Down World Memes


The Upside Down World
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